Tag Archives: Logan

From the Ladies Room

Sarasota Yacht Club; Cinema Tropicale

Talking with the filmmakers from; In the Grove

Dantev Gallagher, director,  and  Hannah Logan, producer

I saw both these filmmakers as I was about to exit the ladies room at the Sarasota Yacht Club.  We started talking about our short films.  We shared a theater together with the SRQ Shorts theirs In the Grove and mine A Lot in Common, which I helped produce. On a whim, the ladies agreed it would be fun to do an interview in from the ladies room. They both are young and beautiful and by the end of the interview are not only finishing each other sentences but answering the questions at the same time with the same answer!

 Where are you from?

We are both from Sarasota. We went to school together and know each other for about fifteen years or so.

How do you think your film has been received?

Dantev: I think it was received really well. I met a lot of people who have seen it and I couldn’t believe it. I thought maybe only families of the people in the SRQ shorts would have seen it, but a lot of people have come up to me and they liked it.

As a producer, what do you think the most challenging aspect of the filmmaking process was?

Hannah: I think the most challenging part was there was so much we wanted to get in and we only had four days. We had maybe two and a half weeks of pre-production to do it so; it was really a quick time. Dantev had a really distinct vision of what she wanted to do and we only had about four days.

Dantev: We had about five dogs on set at all times, with a dog wrangler and all. So Hannah was in charge of that.

It was such an interesting film to me. The film prior, Devil In Me, was a very dark film as well. Is Missy your lead actress here?

 Dantev:  Yes, both actresses are here and  honestly we all grew up together. Wewere in the young filmmakers showcase in high school called Spoons and everybody that I worked with was in it actually. So I wanted to come back one day as a real filmmaker.

And here you are! How many years later was that?

Dantev: Um, let’s see, I did it….

Hannah: Five

Dantev: Yeah, five.

What do you accredit your career to?

Dantev: Absolutely my friends. They are so talented and so hard working and caring, just good people. There are a lot of people in the industry who are climbing a ladder and will step on people just to get where they want to get.

 Yeah, they are called social climbers.

Dantev: Yes, and there are really a lot of really great people and those are the people I want to work with and the people I remember. My friends are definitely on that list.

What does your future hold?

Dantev: I don’t know. I am a video blogger, that’s how I make my living. We are traveling to California; we’re going to document the whole road trip so I’ll be there for a month filming my experience.

What’s going to make your road trip different from others who do the same?

Hannah: I think it’s our friends. We have really great friends.

Are they all from Sarasota?

Hannah: No, we have friends from all over the country that we will be staying with and who will be showing us their towns.

 Is it a documentary or reality show?

Dantev: I film everyday of my life so this will just be part of that. It’s basically a reality show.

Hannah: If you put it all into one, then it would be like a documentary, depends what you do with it.

Have you entered your short into any other festivals?

Dantev: This is the very first one. We edited it to the very last minute.

What are you plans for it?

Dantev: We want to enter it into a few other ones.

 Which specific ones?

Dantev: I want to do cities I know and specifically short film festivals. I know I want to enter into California and New York, maybe some smaller ones where I can meet some upcoming filmmakers.